Donna Lambert said...
Actually this letter is the better than the one you actually posted, Dan. It is sad that it has reached the point it has. I wish I had the answers, but I don't.
I have no idea what to do.
I hope that 2010 is better. I know I have two of the best possible people who have stepped in to represent me, and I am going to let go of the outcome, as If I have learned one thing in all this, is that the San Diego injustice system is a meatgrinder with it's own self interest. There is control on the media and the judges. Winning or losing is part good legal work, good actual facts, and having a judge actually willing to preside over a fair and unbiased trial, this latter being extremely important and totally out of my hands. I am letting go. As far as the infighting it is very real, and I am mixed up in it, it is not fun or healthy, and I have absolutely no idea how to deal with it.
You are a good guy and could probably shine a path for a few of us walking blindly down this road.
And posts this…
Donna Lambert "Someone who repeatedly engages in gossip, bragging or seeking unnecessary information about inappropriate topics after repeated educational talks is a grave risk at best, and a police agent looking to provoke or entrap others at worst. pg 21 - ASA legal Manual 2009"
Can also write the following...
Donna Lambert Unfortunately the assault on myself and my attorney at the courthouse was dismissed apparently because the judge did not want to take time to read the 75 pages of proof of lies, which are now public record, as well as the opposition refusing to allow the audiotape of the entire assault to be played in court. This does not mean an assault against my attorney and myself did not happen.
I have chosen not to include the various emails I have become privy to, but rest assured several very serious accusations have been followed up with nothing to substanciate the claims.
You are not letting go and have, it seems, only one idea of how to deal with it…
Continued character assassinations.
You will never understand that what I am doing is about love and unity. For the movement and community as a whole.
As a San Diego resident and Medical Marijuana activist I have to help build a movement in the aftermath of your personal vendettas. Please release and post the “75 pages of proof of lies”. The time has come to end this.
If you were truly concerned about exposing your “attack” then you would have subpoenaed the video records from the court house (3 cameras) instead of assembling such a poorly compiled case that the judge could not in good conscience let the case proceed. Release the audio, release all the witness accounts.
Proof…Where is the proof?
Will you be using your legal defense fund to pay for the attorney fees for the subjects of your attacks? If so then the good people that have donated to your aid should be made aware!
It is really sad that it has come to this…There is no good outcome. An influential and valuable member of the Medical Marijuana Community is going to look very foolish and it is going to happen very soon!
I have sat back and watched for months. I sent an open letter to exactly 5 people. I wanted to respond directly but was urged to let it pass. I have been warned repeatedly to not respond to you, concerned I will be the next target of your thugs and character assassinations but I can’t sit and watch this anymore. So I waited for the TRO court date hoping for closure regardless of the outcome. As we can see, that is not meant to be.
Now that I am the next target of your personal vendetta machine I can no longer remain neutral or silent. As a community we are responsible for the actions of our brethren. I must stand up by any means necessary and shout “Enough!”
You are no longer a curiosity or loose cannon. You are an enemy of the Medical Marijuana Movement. I am placing you on the same pedestal as Dumanis and DeMaio.
Even worse, at least Dumanis and DeMaio unified the movement. You, Donna, are the cancer that keeps the things you say you want from ever happening here in San Diego.
I have seen the “75 pages of proof of lies”. That should be released next. If I do it then it might not look as good as if you did. Did your crack legal team recommend that you pursue the lawsuit with “75 pages of proof of lies”? If so then you need to know that they are not working in your best interest. I always wondered what pro bono meant…
I don’t think of this as an attack on you but more like emergency surgery on a loved one(The MMJ Movement).

Remain a victim and allow yourself to continue to be abused. I do not see you there.
Become a perpetrator and prevent further abuse through perceived strength by victimizing others.Ding ding ding ding.
Become a healer and use what you have been through to help others in the same situation, to give back to those that are in need and cannot defend themselves. Alas this spot sits sadly vacant.
You are not a victim. You are not a healer.
You now disregard civility and solid facts in favor of YOUR own personal agendas. You Donna have become a perpetrator.
The third choice is where you should be, where your power, our power, really is.
But sadly, my eyes are wide open to what will happen next. Banned from your pages, just like all the others. No direct personal attacks but your dwindling but still impressive friend list will increase their harassment of my friends and family. All the while you break out the victim mask that you wear all so well and rally all the activists that do not have to live in your refuse to sympathizes and offer support.
Activist Munchenhausen Syndrome.
Dan Murphy
Anybody can see the file at 220 W Broadway
ReplyDeleteDonna Lambert or Terrie Best, it should come up with both. While you read it, try to compare the false statements with the facts, which are documented. They are now public information. Go step by step through the statements to the court, and then with actual emails and other documents and try to find the number of lies you will find. You will lose count.
I could easily release the audio file and have considered it, if Terrie Best (Eugene Davidovich's girlfriend) wants to publicly request that I will be happy to do so. For the sake of trying to de-escalate the community, I did not. The opposing side refused repeatedly to let it be played. Why would they refuse to let an audio be played if there was no assault? If no assault had occured, they would have jumped at the chance.
Did you ask the people present in the courtroom before you wrote your latest slander? Further, another option is to actually file assault charges, and I still can, but I have been asked by people who are supposedly in your camp to let this die down.
We also did attempt to obtain the video file and have a cap number for that request within several days of the assault. We also had the exact time because my attorney was attempting to record the statement of a spanish speaking lady when the assault occurred. And I went to court and agreed with the opposing side in requesting the release of the video that we had already tried over a week earlier to obtain and even told the judge correct time as it was stamped onto my attorneys cellphone as she was in the middle of recording this woman she had just defended for free. Again, people from your camp were there.
Now you are insulting an attorney who has defended and indigent medical marijuana patient for free? And got her charges dismissed.
You are being manipulated by Brett. I have met you maybe once or twice, probably talked with you for less than ten minutes. I do not even know you and you do not know me.
None of your group there seem to have any problem slandering other activists or people trying to make a difference, that do not follow your leader.
You are continuing with the same vein, You, and your friends continue to try to smear everybody that is working with other groups, or individually. You are doing it with the blog you just wrote. Not only to myself but to many others who work hard in this community.
Your blog and post tonight is an actual active effort to continue to drum up publicity for your leader. It is you and the very small group of people you are closely working with who continues to keep this up, it is in your interest to try to attack me, and your small inner group is the ones who keep doing it. You are the one creating the division.
I believe in safe and affordable access for medical marijuana patients. I am a good person and do not deserve your slander. Look in the mirror, you are talking to yourself.
Everything you say applies to you, Dan. You and the others are the ones creating the division and the problem. Did I just write a blog about you? Why are you obsessed about slandering me? Have you ever sat down with me? NO. I don't even know you.
I stand for the patients, for safe and affordable access. Is there something about that that scares you?
This public file of which Donna refers to on this bogus assualt charge is Donna's way of feeding leads to the DA's office. Which makes her a snitch.
ReplyDeleteDonna, you write one thing here and act like your facebook is absent of slander, when in fac,t, your facebook is nothing but an invitation for your to be sued for slander.
ReplyDeleteDonna, STOP YOUR SHIT! Stop making other people dislike you and the movement. It's you Donna, nobody else but you has created this and keeps it going.
It is funny how "Anonymous" is afraid to use his or her real name.
ReplyDelete2nd, the small team of closely related people are the ones that are keeping this going. It is too bad you folks don't redirect your energy onto something more positive than attacking me.
I could count this group on one hand. Look on my website or my facebook page. There is no mention of anything related to this soap opera. This nonsense is not even worth my time.
Enough already, you 4 should move on with your life and accept that many people in this town are trying to make a difference, not just me, there are dozens of us.
Have a good day.
This 75 page offer that Donna used as “proof” in court of her fabrication of an assault is really a pack of emails from Socal NORML were they continually attempt to discredit members of ASA. If you were copied on any of these emails, your email address is now a part of this public record and likely on the DA’s desk right now. Be very cautious when corresponding by email to Donna, she will throw you under the bus to the DA.
ReplyDeleteAnonymity is the only way that many activists in San Diego feel safe responding.
ReplyDeleteKilling the messanger does not kill the message.
I think it is finally time for the truth to be told regarding Donna Lambert's smear campaign and attempt to get a restraining order against my daughter, Terrie Best. Thank you for the opportunity to do so.
ReplyDeleteI read the original ONE page affidavit filed by Donna requesting the temporary restraining order, the first step in the process to obtaining a full restraining order. This document was comprised of her personal opinions and allegations against Terrie, with no substantiating disclosure. Among these allegations, Donna claimed that Terrie attacked Mara Felson, Donna's attorney, and that Donna had to step in front of Terrie's raised fist to prevent her from hitting Mara.
This incident was supposed to have occurred in the lobby of the San Diego Superior Court house, in front of the many sheriff's deputies and surveillance cameras. (It seems to me that with all the deputies on duty, one of them would have noticed this "attack" and intervened.)
Prior to the hearing scheduled to decide the matter of the restraining order on Wed. 1/13/10, Terrie requested an ex-parte hearing, which I attended, to subpoena the video tape of the area and time-frame of this attack.
After reviewing Donna's one page affidavit, the judge, Judge Frazier reprimanded Donna that he had warned her the day she asked for the TRO that the "burden of proof was heavy" upon her and that she had not met the requirements then and still had not.
It was obvious that Judge Frazier did not feel it was necessary to obtain the tape so he rejected the request without prejudice giving himself the option to review the tape at a later date if he needed to.
On 1/13/10, Mara appeared in court and asked the judge to accept 75 pages of supporting documentation for consideration. The judge informed her that he wouldn't accept these pages nor listen to a recording she had as she should have filed them with the original request.
After Mara argued with the judge, he then agreed to take them under submission. He delayed his decision for a couple of hours to read the documents after which he ruled against Donna, and the matter was dissolved. As the judge said over and over again that day, Donna did not meet the burden of proof needed to interfere with Terrie's civil liberties. However, Donna Lambert has continued her campaign of harassment and outright lies against my daughter.
I am compelled to outline the bizarre behavior of Donna Lambert in the court for the ex-parte hearing on 1/11/10. As she entered the courtroom, she approached the bailiff with the complaint that she had something wrong with her leg (suspected thrombosis, she said). She asked him how long it would be before the judge appeared, and he told her it wouldn't be long.
She continued to try to pin him down as to how long it would be. She finally sat down after making the comment that she "couldn't wait an hour" for him. To me, and those around me, it seemed that she wanted the bailiff to go tell the judge her problem so that he would immediately make his appearance on the bench. When the judge did appear he asked Donna if she wasn't represented by counsel. She went into a long-winded, arm-flailing explanation of her attorney's air travel problems, stating that her attorney had called him and the court several times that morning to explain her absence. Donna's tone of voice and posture indicated she was annoyed that the judge wasn't aware of this.
I have read Donna's personal statements about herself, which she has published on line. She freely outlines her mental and physical problems and sums up by saying she is "mentally incapacitated". One thing about Donna Lambert: she really knows herself.
Judith Best
I saw this file and it contains dozens of emails from Mara Felsen and Donna Lambert writing to memebers of the mmj community in Cali about Eugene and Terry. All the addresses are visible. I found mine and hundreds of others. All now public record thanks to these two women. Beware!
ReplyDeleteDonna Lambert, Mara Felsen adn Craig Beresh continue to follow around after ASA members and bad-mouth Eugene. It is pathetic. These three people have done more damage to the mmj movement in SD then Bonnier herself.
ReplyDeleteThe bizarre attacks continue as Donna Lambert calls community organizations at which I volunteer and attempts to out me as a patient in order to cause me trouble and undermine SDASA. This is a jealous and freakishly motivated revenge tactic because of misguided jealousy. She is a disgusting woman and I will be in court to applaud the day she goes to prison.
ReplyDeletewe must distance ourselfs from Donna! she mixes guns and the holy herb,secret meetings with prosecutors, she cannot be trusted,beware says the Socal herbfolks is Dale Rostamo,he hides behind his herbfolks website,Why? because he was the first to roll over with the DA and take a plea in green rx, why else would Donna and Dale be so tight,rats huddle,scurry around in the shadows and shit and piss on everything,Socal Herbfolks only the truth and nothing but is not SoCal Herbfolks.
ReplyDeleteSocal herbfolks is nonsense created by Some Guy and Some Girl in order to slander Some other girl.
Interesting how a meth / heroin /forgery criminal such as this girl who completed pc1000 and had her charges dismissed by none other than CHRIS LINDBERG - mastermind of operation GreenRx has been able to slide her way into an organization pretending to be an advocate and yet tearing other people down.
'Can't wait until this other girl goes to prison" WOW.
Is this your style of advocacy too Dannabis Ruderalis? is the only real herbfolks out there, anything else is slander.
Who said that?
ReplyDeleteMore words accusing others of doing what you are doing by posting those very words?
Anonodonna, your hands are not clean and cannot bully everyone.
My style of Advocacy? I am glad you asked.
You do not realize how much of an ally you could have if anything you claimed had substance. Anything! I am an in your face, no holds barred, defender of truth, justice and the American way. The real American way, not the pale replica they sell to us these days.
If I had any hope that you might be receptive to reason I would have chosen another method of healing the community.
You have proven that my insight was correct, again.
A humble Servant of the SD MMJ Community.
Dannabis Ruderalis
Donna Lambert and Mara Felsen have been served with papers and will likely be court ordered to pay Terrie Best's attorney fees for thier meritless attmpts to restrict Terrie;s civil rights. This is why they are now ranting about meth and heroin. Terrie has no felony record but does have a long history of service in drug and prison policy reform. Anybody, such as DPA, who has also been around awhile will attest to that.
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, Terrie marched on the capitol in 2002 along side Glen Backes, Margaret Dooley and many other drug war activists. She;s been doing this a long time and has earned the respect of those who matter.
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ReplyDeleteThere is only one
Never ment to suggest there is even a connection between and socal herbfolks. No real beef with herbfolks. It seems they are just being used...Nice try Adonnamous.
ReplyDeletethanks for the info D&D,wink, wink,Bon E D
ReplyDeleteWow. Now that is a post. So much said in so few words. Who the emeny is, how destructive this behavior is to safe access. I am in the presence of a master witster.(Not that anything I posted isint already in a file on your desk (thanks Donna))wink.
ReplyDeleteYour words are sage and have left me inspired.
"Don't get it twisted, its not a plea that Im copping.
I'm just willing to be the bigger man and if you can quit popping
off at the mouth well then I can, and frankly I'm sick of talking."
Herbfolks is a joke anyway. They would do well to be confused with SoCal Herbfolks.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies to Adonnamous is trying to incite you into a feud.
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ReplyDeleteAdonnamous, er Tyadayadayada,
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to read my blog. Your input is invaluable in assisting my team in sculpting a product worthy of the name Dannabis. However, the content you have posted has been considered objectionable, and has been removed.
The Dannabis Team.
Donna Lambert is a snitch and working with the DA.
ReplyDeleteReally Anonymous?
ReplyDeleteThe same Donna Lambert that is the “Activist of the year”?
The same Donna Lambert speaking at HempCon?
OK then. .. These are harsh words but the reality is that Donna Lambert is listed as a character witness against Eugene. Donna Lambert admits this and is not under subpoena. These are the facts.
Many people, real people, people in OUR community have questions Donna. Questions we cannot voice via phone email or facebook as we (I guess over 20) have been banned.
What is your response to Anonymous’ allegation? Are you a snitch and working with the DA?
Please respond here so the activists with these questions can see your response.
I am sure your being a prosecution witness brings up many questions from the MMJ Community. I would love to see those questions addressed here.
Activist of the Friggin' Year!!!? Are you kidding me? Donna Lambert has done more to tear apart the san Diego mmj community than anybody else except for Bonnie herself. Or, hey, maybe they are working together. In that case Bonnie's joke is on us.
ReplyDeleteDon't look at me that way. I did not vote for her. I voted for Bronner after Eugene's name was removed.
ReplyDeleteThat is how I got involved. An email I sent to ended up in Donna's hands and she emails me demanding to know who I am. The rest is history...
Just know that I saw through the misdirections in late November 2009 and was the first(?) to call her out, no punches pulled.
To me the Donna Lambert story is yesterdays news...
The real story is, as always, behind the story. It is easy to see who she surrounds (shields) herself with. Like any good investigative reporter I am asking the hard questions. Who else knew? Who helped? For how long?
The offer still stands Donna... Prove me wrong!
Danabitch is a punk ass liar. His mother should be ashamed she ever had him. He is a shill for commercial interests, plain and simple. Want to know the truth about the herb scene in San Diego, come to, not here.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that all the felonies were dropped? One misdemeanor, probation only?
ReplyDeleteOMG!?!?! She needs to let everyone know how she did it... This could keep people out of jail and is important for the mmj community to know how...
I'll let my daughter's grandma know how ashamed she should be to have given birth to Danabitch. Too bad Mother's Day has passed. I could have sent her a card saying such. Maybe next year. And then there's always Christmas.
ReplyDeletePeace out.
It is confirmed. Donna is working with the DA. She has until October to find somebody to turn in.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to see the "deal" Donna Lambert made you can find a scan of her court papers here:
Facts you will find from these papers: Donna has pled guilty to a felony, yet will not be sentenced unitl October 12th, yet is on summary probation yet not a 4th waiver. And, the DA has an option to dismiss the entire charge at the October 12th date if they wish. It's all here with Donna's signature.
This smelly business combined with the fact that Donna Lambert was seen coming out of the DA's office by a reputable attorney, not the file room which she claims, suggests she is working with the San Diego DA.
Additionally, several people close to Donna Lambert have been discussing this and saying that Donna was forced into it by the DA.
While for months Donna has created a smoke and mirrors effect with Restraining Orders, talk of CI's and other slander, she plans to be the rat she's so vehemently accused others of being.
You should not discuss your shop, grow or pending case with Donna Lambert or any person or organization she is close to. is not affiliated with SDPD. The information is not yet verified. If verifiable (public record request) I will post more.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, being circumspect with your personal information is not just a good idea, it is a matter of preserving your freedom. So I echo anon's words. Be careful. Be Smart. Be safe.
The information came from Donna Lambert's criminal file. It was copied and scanned and placed on by a concerned patient. It is also readily available at the courthouse if you wish to see the originals. You do not need a record request you just walk in and ask for the file.
ReplyDeleteBritish Petrolium BP Gulf of Mexico
ReplyDeleteRecall Bonnie Dumanis 2010
San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Medical Marijuana Ordinance
Hurricane Alex
ReplyDeleteProposition 19
whos a rat
If there's a real reason that the Medical Cannabis movement will die, it is this type of behavior. If I was already opposed to cannabis, it would only take a short read on this website to confirm my existing belief. I have personally met pretty much all of the people named here, I'm surprised at the amount of hatred that has been pointed in the direction of both Dan, Eugene and Terri.
ReplyDeleteI don't live in SD, but I've had dealings with all three, and all three have always conducted themselves with honor. Even though Dan's level of activism exceeds my personal comfort level, I've always felt that, if anything, he is sincere and humble.
On the flip side, I've also met Donna, and while I really don't know much about her, I left with the feeling that not all was well with her faculties. I still don't know much about her, but if she states on her webpage that she's not mentally right, that would at least match the feeling I got talking with her.
(will continue)
So what's the point of writing all this? Even though I live in a state where cannabis has not yet been decriminalized, I am a firm supporter of the movement. I KNOW it has medicinal value and very much want it to become legal in my state. But how the hell will we ever get there if this type of nonsensical infighting WITHIN the community keeps occurring?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the opponents don't have much to do except wait for the movement to implode upon itself. Dan, I believe your efforts would be much better spent focused in more productive places. Documenting the feud with Donna doesn't seem to be productive. Anyone who knows you already knows your character. You don't need to defend your honor, and it sounds like Donna will self-destruct anyway, given enough rope.
I'm sure there's no pat answer to any of this, but I'd sure like to see a little more "community" within the community. The best war fought is one where the enemy tears itself apart, and the SoCal community seems to be doing that pretty well right now. All the DA needs to do is stand by and watch.